The nesting instinct….why can’t they bottle it?

messy books

I’ve never been a great one for being tidy and organised but have always appreciated tidy houses and the calm that they exude.

But recently I have been overcome by the nesting instinct and it’s great! In my previous two pregnancies I was patiently waiting for it, hoping it would solve all my tidiness problems, but it sadly passed me by on both occasions. Perhaps overshadowed by the fact that I moved to Spain just before my first daughter was born and then moved house two weeks before giving birth to my second daughter. 

However, this time I’ve sorted cupboards, organised or thrown out five years’ of clutter in my office and keep hoping the baby won’t arrive just yet as there are still drawers and cupboards to tackle. It seems odd, the baby isn’t going to sleep in my office and really won’t feel any differently towards me if I have a tidy office or a room full of junk, but I’ve been like a woman possessed, it absolutely had to be sorted! And now, what a sense of calm and smug satisfaction I have sitting here looking around me at all the clean shelves with the books in exact height order and the lever arch files with all their papers proudly divided into categories. 

But I’m bound to go back to my slovenly ways once the baby arrives and I’m surrounded by nappies and clothes covered in baby vomit. If only the nesting instinct could be captured and put into bottles to take when a little bit of enthusiasm for housework is required……


nesting instinct

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published 3 years 11 months ago

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